Equip believers to make disciples, start reproducing churches & mobilise L3 missionary teams to engage unreached communities locally and globally until there is #NoPlaceLeft.
The 4 Fields Process - Mark 4:26-29 and modelled by Jesus.
Commitment required
Weekly Training Church - (2hrs)
Weekly Training Leaders (2hrs) - leaders assist/watch
Weekly time in the Harvest sharing with people far from God (2hrs) - leaders model/assist/watch
Essential reading
The Bible
Suggested reading
The Four Fields Manual - Nathan Shank
Church Planting By The Book - Elbert Smith
Manchester has at least 153 spoken languages making it one of the most linguistically diverse places in Western Europe. In John 21:1-14 Jesus tells the disciples to cast their nets over the right side of the boat. They obey and catch 153 large fish!
We believe God wants to reach every one of the language groups in Manchester and envision them to obey Jesus' Great Commission to their nation and the nations. "To disciple the Nations in our city to reach the cities of the nations."
To get involved, contact us using this form: