The vision is to reach the population of Greater Manchester (2.7 million) with a multiplying movement of disciples and churches emerging out of every ward.

Allowing scripture to define the vision

The "No Place Left" vision comes from Romans 15:23, where Paul says, "But now that there is no more place for me to work in these regions . . ." How could Paul say that his work was done in an area of an estimated 15 million people? We see the gospel moving rapidly in the book of Acts and we believe the same can happen in the Greater Manchester area. 

"No Place Left" is much bigger than Manchester. It's God's heart for the world. We desire to see disciples made of all nations until Jesus returns. Many people around the globe are taking action to pray and align themselves with what God is already doing. People are praying for this city to be changed by thousands of personal encounters with Christ.

Our aim is that there will be no place left without multiplying disciples and churches to the 4th generation and beyond. Through a process of multiplication our aim is we will be able to join Paul in saying we have no place left to work in this region (Romans 15:23). We desire to see the region saturated with the gospel and see multiplying streams of disciples and churches across all social segments in our city.