NO PLACE LEFT is a movement of movements aimed at getting to no place left where Christ is not made known in our generation—no people group, ethnic group, city or segment (Rom. 15:23). We do that through reproducing disciples, churches and leaders among the lost until there is no place left for the gospel to be proclaimed. What we are about...
In purpose
Kingdom: Our Father’s heart is that He has created a ready harvest (Matt. 9:37-38) and wants to bring His kingdom fully in each locale (Matt. 6:9-10) for His glory.
Global: A global Acts 1:8 movement in which disciples make reproducing disciples to fully reach their own diverse contexts and then unreached peoples of the earth for Christ. We foster interdependent partnerships in mission between autonomous churches and apostolic "missionary" bands (Acts 13, Philippians 1:5).
CPM-Based: We aim to catalyse Spirit-led church planting movements as the avenue for reaching a whole area—emphasising 1) finding God prepared people (entry), 2) reproducing evangelism, 3) reproducing disciples, 4) reproducing churches and 5) reproducing leaders.
Finishing The Task: Therefore, we are about finishing the task of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20; 24:14) whatever it may cost us for His glory (John 12:24).
Generational Growth: We are a decentralised movement (starfish) of reproducing generations of disciples and churches, knowing that until we see consistent fourth generation of new churches and beyond, a stream is not becoming a movement (Matt. 28:18-20; 2 Tim. 2:2; Matt. 13:31-33).
In practice
Gospel, Word & Spirit: We are Christ-centred, proclaiming the gospel of grace (Luke 24:46-49; Acts 20:24) reliant on the Word as our guide (John 15:1-16) and the Spirit to empower us (John 14:23-26).
Urgency: We live and work with urgency keeping THE DAY in mind—hastening the end of the age as we await Christ’s coming (Heb. 10:24-25; 2 Pet. 3:12).
Prayerful Practice: We pray for labourers while practicing as labourers ourselves (Luke 10:2). We all take personal ownership of the Great Commission and allocate time to reaching the lost within their sphere of influence (1 Cor. 9:16).
Disciples Not Converts: We go to new believers where they are and disciple them to obey Jesus’ commands out of love (Matt 28:18-20, Jn. 14:21), with the expectation that the Word will reproduce in their life as they do the same with others (Matt 13).
Humility: Our aspiration is to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God (James 4:6-10) to live by His grace, honour one another in love (Rom. 12:9-11) and continue as learners of the counter-intuitive ways of the King (Mk 1:15).
In structure
Volunteer Movement: An open-membership open-source volunteer movement (or coalition) built around the Matthew 24:14/Romans 15:23 vision. Anyone aspiring to the vision and ethos can enter the movement as a free-will offering (Psalm 110:3) and we are open-handed in our interactions (Prov. 11:24-25). Our leaders grow into position they don't go into position; spiritual authority is extended to leaders, not extracted by them.
Not an Organisation: We are a movement or coalition with no hierarchy or defined leadership structure. Therefore we are not an organisation with associated structures. Nor are we defined by any organisations, regional initiatives or ventures bearing the name No Place Left. They may simply be manifestations of this movement in its various forms.
Not a Funding Base Or Conduit: Practitioners in our coalition pursue funding in a variety of ways and mechanisms but No Place Left is not a funding conduit.
Not a Denominationally-Based Movement: Though our practitioners are Evangelical in orientation we are not restricted to any one denomination or church.